OLD Media Moves

Marketwatch.com launches iPhone app

November 3, 2009

MarketWatch.com announced its application is available for iPhone and iPod touch.

The app features real-time headlines and news bulletins, real-time data, audio and social media features to serve MarketWatch’s core audience of engaged investors.

“The hallmark of MarketWatch is the ability to provide a very engaged and active audience with crucial, real-time news and analysis needed to make important investing decisions on a daily basis, and this new app means that service will now be available to them anytime, anywhere via the iPhone,” said David Callaway, editor-in-chief of MarketWatch, in a statement.

The MarketWatch app provides breaking stories of the day selected by the site’s editors and provides MarketWatch’s real-time headlines and news bulletins as news breaks, just as the Web site does.

Top Stories provides the day’s most important stories, while Latest News offers real-time news bulletins and commentary throughout the day. Markets features global market news, real-time quotes and markets analysis and insight, and Tech features breaking news on technology stocks and analysis of trends and corporate tech news.

Read more here.

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