Howard Gold, who writes the “No-Nonsense Investing” column for MarketWatch.com, is retiring from business journalism after 38 years.
He previously worked for Forbes, American Lawyer and Barron’s, among other publications. He has been at MarketWatch for the past 11 years.
He plans to finish a novel he started in his 20s.
Gold writes, “My passion always was writing, but though I care a lot about economics, business and investing, it wasn’t my passion. I discovered, however, that I had a knack for analyzing data and financial statements and translating them into plain English, and I parlayed that into a rewarding career. Some people are driven enough to make careers out of their passions, no matter what; the rest of us have to find a middle way.
“Which brings me to today. As I write this, I’m sad to leave this all behind. I’ll especially miss my editors Parris Kellermann, Angela Moore and Silvia Ascarelli, with whom I worked closely for the past decade. They’re fine editors and more importantly good people who have made my years at MarketWatch the happiest of my career.”
Read more here.