OLD Media Moves

Kurt Wagner starts at Re/code

August 4, 2014

Posted by Chris Roush

Kara Swisher of Re/code welcomes new staffer Kurt Wagner, who is senior editor of social media.

Swisher writes, “He replaces the very fine Mike Isaac as our site’s oversharer of news about and analysis of the wide range of companies that make up the social universe online. That includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat and many others. He will also be surveying all the various trends and changes in the important sector.

“Kurt has the enthusiasm necessary to take it on the challenge. He has been a business and tech journalist since 2012 and was previously reporting for Mashable. He also covered general tech and Silicon Valley news in his first job as a tech reporter with Fortune magazine, based in San Francisco.

“Originally from the Seattle area, Kurt graduated from Santa Clara University with a degree in communications and political science. He served as editor in chief of The Santa Clara, the university newspaper, for two years.”

Read more here.

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