Mathew Ingram, a former senior writer at Fortune, has been hired by the Columbia Journalism Review as its chief digital writer.
Ingram starts Nov. 1. His main focus is to look at the evolution of media and journalism in the age of giant social platforms such as Facebook, Google, Twitter and Snapchat.
He was laid off from Fortune in June. While there, Ingram wrote about the evolution of media and the social Web.
Until March 2015, Ingram was a senior writer at Gigaom.com, one of the leading technology blog networks in the United States, based in San Francisco and founded in 2006 by former Forbes and Business 2.0 writer Om Malik.
At Gigaom, he wrote about the evolution of media and content and all that involves, including social media, Google, and the web in general.
Ingram also worked for The Globe and Mail, a newspaper based in Toronto. He was the Globe’s first “communities editor,” a new position aimed at helping make it easier for readers to interact with the paper and its writers and content.
Ingram is a graduate of Ryerson University.