OLD Media Moves

How CNBC uses its talent for web video

August 28, 2015

Posted by Chris Roush

YOUNGMONEY-LOGO-2Sahil Patel of Digiday writes about how CNBC uses its television anchors and reporters to produce video segments aimed for its web audience.

Patel writes, “Altogether, CNBC’s digital arm publishes close to 200 videos a day and roughly 4,000 a month, according to a company spokesperson. These videos are available on CNBC.com and the network’s mobile and streaming TV apps, as well as across a wide variety of third-party distribution platforms including AOL, MSN, Hulu, Yahoo Finance, Facebook and YouTube.

“Viewership is growing. According to comScore, CNBC.com alone reached 7.6 million unique desktop viewers in the U.S. in July, a 146 percent increase over the previous year. Across all owned-and-operated platforms, viewers have increased by 40 percent year-over-year, and partner video viewers have more than doubled (up 138 percent), the company added. On Facebook and YouTube, CNBC hit 14.3 million and 372,000 views, respectively, in July, per data from Tubular Labs.

“Senzon credits the growth to a ‘unified newsroom’ that isn’t divided along media and platform lines. ‘It’s not like digital video is a small team in the corner,’ he said. ‘We are creating a way for traditional TV journalists to leverage their success by coming up with new ideas. I can name a number of our television executive producers who have pitched and created digital video franchises.'”

Read more here.

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