’s Marek Fuchs, who admits that he rarely finds a business journalism article that makes him smile, is all gushy about David Welch’spiece about automaker General Motors in the most-recent BusinessWeek.
Fuchs wrote, “Taking the form of an open note to General Mayhem — er, Motors — Business Week says size doesn’t matter. Let Toyota be No. 1 and put up with all the scrutiny and other baggage of that status. If it doesn’t come harnessed to automatic profit — and it doesn’t — why spend billions for the opportunity to thump your chest? At least in sports, you get a parade if you win. In business, you get a few meaningless headlines.
“Business Week is not suggesting that General Motors become some fringe element in the auto business. And you might think the advice is trite, a bit simplistic.
“But as Business Week is right to point out (good little scribes, good), the Head Fred of GM, G. Richard Wagoner Jr., is talking a good game about profits — but the gasbag is also thinking about buying Proton Holdings. And while a purchase of the distressed Malaysian carmaker would help in the market share department, you have a better chance of seeing The Business Press Maven eat humble pie than you do of seeing Proton ever contribute to GM’s bottom line.”
OLD Media Moves
Fuchs likes BusinessWeek piece on GM
January 24, 2007’s Marek Fuchs, who admits that he rarely finds a business journalism article that makes him smile, is all gushy about David Welch’s piece about automaker General Motors in the most-recent BusinessWeek.
“Business Week is not suggesting that General Motors become some fringe element in the auto business. And you might think the advice is trite, a bit simplistic.
“But as Business Week is right to point out (good little scribes, good), the Head Fred of GM, G. Richard Wagoner Jr., is talking a good game about profits — but the gasbag is also thinking about buying Proton Holdings. And while a purchase of the distressed Malaysian carmaker would help in the market share department, you have a better chance of seeing The Business Press Maven eat humble pie than you do of seeing Proton ever contribute to GM’s bottom line.”
Read more here.
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