Lee Ann Colacioppo, the editor of the Denver Post, sent out the following announcement to the staff:
It’s with heavy heart, I tell you all that Joe Rubino is leaving his position on Your Hub where he has a done stellar job with the daunting task of covering Arapahoe and Douglas counties.
But it’s with a very happy heart I tell you that Joe Rubino is moving to The Now team where he will focus on consumer friendly news. We are going to take full advantage of his brains, his wit and his knowledge of Denver as we dig into this subject that we know is so important to our readers.
The position will cover news such as what’s going on with Amazon Prime Plus, new retail, and restaurants with headquarters in Denver such as Chipotle, but also covers consumer-minded finance.
Rubino worked at the Broomfield Enterprise and Boulder Daily Camera before joining Your Hub in February 2015. He is a Denver native and an alumnus of John F. Kennedy High School and the University of Colorado journalism school.