In the current issue of Time magazine, CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer answers questions from magazine readers about his job, the economy and the stock market.
Here is an excerpt:
Do you regret going on The Daily Show in the first place? —John Puterbaugh, Dekalb, Ill.
No one wants to suffer a beat-down. No one wants to be humiliated or embarrassed. I was shocked at [host Jon Stewart’s] behavior. I wish he knew about my background, and I wish he knew about a lot of things that I had done, because I think he would’ve thanked me instead of attacked me.
You seemed to take Stewart’s criticism personally, but he was really making a larger point about the failures of CNBC and other financial outlets. Do you think CNBC did a good job anticipating and reporting on the financial meltdown? —Mark Sutter, Detroit
I think CNBC’s done a remarkable job, and I think the attack on CNBC and the attacks on me were gravely misplaced. It was rather remarkable in that it was so clear that his goal was to just destroy me. One day he’ll answer for it.
Read more here.