The Wisconsin Leader-Telegram profiled CNBC senior correspondent Scott Cohn about his career and his work at the business news cable network.
Liam Marlaire writes, “At CNBC, Cohn covers business issues, special projects, investigative pieces and ‘whatever they throw at me or whatever I come up with,’ he said.
“Cohn said the most important assignment he’s done was covering Hurricane Katrina. He was in Louisiana when the disaster struck and was reporting from Canal Street the next day. He spent six weeks in New Orleans.
“‘I went down to cover a business story, the oil rigs and all that,’ Cohn said. ‘But as things unfolded, it still was and is an economic story, but it’s obviously so much more than that.’
“Cohn also covered the Enron trials and several white-collar scandals that followed.”
Read more here.