OLD Media Moves

CNBC cameraman ejected from cybersecurity speech

May 24, 2016

Posted by Chris Roush

cnbc_logoA camera operator working for CNBC on Tuesday was ejected from a financial conference in Brussels before a speech on cybersecurity by the CEO of the group that runs the electronic financial messaging program, reports Eamon Javers of CNBC.

Javers writes, “CNBC was permitted to bring a camera to the conference by event organizers, and Swift had earlier sent a news release advertising the CEO’s upcoming speech on cybersecurity.

“But before Leibbrandt’s speech, CNBC’s camera operator was told to leave the event.

“A spokesman for Swift later apologized and attributed the ejection of the cameraman to a miscommunication. He dismissed a suggestion that the ejection shows an extreme level of anxiety within Swift about the cybersecurity issue.

“‘It does no such thing,’ the spokesman wrote in an email to CNBC.

“According to text of the speech released by Swift, Leibbrandt announced a five-part plan to tighten cybersecurity of the financial system, including improving information sharing among banks, hardening security requirements for bank customer software, encouraging banks to use payment pattern controls and introducing certification requirements for third-party providers.”

Read more here.

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