Hal Morris, writing on his GrumpyEditor.com blog, wants to know how old the people are writing BusinessWeek after unearthing a reference to 1940s movie star Errol Flynn.
Morris wrote, “The section, edited by Harry Maurer and Cristina Lindblad, led off with an item headlined ‘Shocker on the Street’ dealing with selection of a new CEO at Merrill Lynch. The short opened with, ‘Practically everyone assumed Larry Fink was in like Flynn.’
“In like Flynn?
“Grumpy Editor hasn’t heard that phrase in some time. Once widely used, now it continues into the 21st century.
“Obviously, that item’s writer has much gray hair — or recently watched the History Channel.
“The ‘in like Flynn’ term made the rounds during World War II. It came out after a February, 1943 Los Angeles trial in which movies’ swashbuckling action hero, actor Errol Flynn — known for his romantic exploits —was acquitted in a statutory rape case involving a teenage girl.”
OLD Media Moves
BusinessWeek digs up Errol Flynn
November 29, 2007
Posted by Chris Roush
Hal Morris, writing on his GrumpyEditor.com blog, wants to know how old the people are writing BusinessWeek after unearthing a reference to 1940s movie star Errol Flynn.
“In like Flynn?
“Grumpy Editor hasn’t heard that phrase in some time. Once widely used, now it continues into the 21st century.
“Obviously, that item’s writer has much gray hair — or recently watched the History Channel.
“The ‘in like Flynn’ term made the rounds during World War II. It came out after a February, 1943 Los Angeles trial in which movies’ swashbuckling action hero, actor Errol Flynn — known for his romantic exploits —was acquitted in a statutory rape case involving a teenage girl.”
Read more here.
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