OLD Media Moves

Bloomberg urges journalists use caution with Twitter

April 27, 2011

Ellie Behling of eMedia Vitals obtained a copy of Bloomberg News‘ new policy for using Twitter and other social media and reports on what it allows, and doesn’t allow.

Behling writes, “Bloomberg’s policy forbids journalists to use social networks to express political opinions, to advocate on behalf of a particular issue or agenda, or to use social media to express opinions related to their professional assignment or beat. It also asks editorial staff to apply the same standards of fairness and verification to Twitter.

“A few interesting tidbits from the rules that stood out as particular to Bloomberg’s digital strategy include: ‘We should not share work in progress or use social media as a vehicle for breaking news’ (Bloomberg offers a subscription service, so presumably wouldn’t want to break news on a free service). The rules also prohibit reporters from engaging ‘in arguments with those critical of our work or critical of Bloomberg News.’

“They also encourage reporters to promote Bloomberg’s work above other outlets: ‘Social media is an excellent means of promoting our work. As such, there should be a preference for linking to Bloomberg.com stories. However, it’s good Web and social media etiquette to give credit in the form of a link to work that is interesting or valuable, regardless of the source.'”

Read more here.

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