Sheila Dharmarajan, a markets reporter for Bloomberg Television, has left to take a freelancing position with CNBC, a spokeswoman for the network confirmed to Talking Biz News on Friday.
At Bloomberg, Dharmarajan was also regular host of “Bloomberg Enterprise,” a series focused on fast-growing mid-cap companies, and” Bloomberg Innovators,” a series focused on the latest and greatest leaders in groundbreaking technology. She also recently began hosting a new Yahoo! show, “The Future Is Now!”
She had joined Bloomberg TV in June 2009.
Prior to joining Bloomberg, Dharmarajan spent seven years on Wall Street. Her experience includes working in investment banking at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette as well as private equity at Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe and Permira.
Dharmarajan graduated from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and received an MBA from Stanford University.
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