OLD Media Moves

Bloomberg TV has updated its studio

October 10, 2016

Posted by Chris Roush

Bloomberg TV set 2016Dak Dillon, the managing editor of Newscast Studio, writes about how Bloomberg Television changed its studio set when it went to 24-hour programming on Monday.

Dillon writes, “In New York, Bloomberg dumped its sleek table design in favor of a more traditional, monitor fronted, desk that can seat upwards of five people in its main studio.

“The networks secondary studio also saw a new desk, which is used for ‘Bloomberg Surveillance’ and ‘Bloomberg Markets.’

“The sets virtual extensions were completely revamped by Jim Mann’s Lightwell, moving away from an architectural look that captured Bloomberg’s HQ atrium.

“Used across seven shows, the new designs add a faux backlit soffit to the studios with staggered panels of branded lightboxes, charts and imagery; creating a layered, highly visual, look.

“The graphics also, uniquely, work to recast the studio shape, adding interesting angles to the space and making it appear larger on-air.”

Read more here.

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