Ed Baig, a longtime USA Today tech columnist before being laid off earlier this year, has started a blog where he reviews products.
His first post is on an outdoor television.
Baig was the long-time personal tech columnist at USA Today where he reviewed every important new tech product to emerge during the past two decades, from the original iPhone to the Amazon Kindle.
He also has weighed in on emerging tech trends and industry news, covering the culture of tech, the impact of artificial intelligence on society, 5G, ambient computing, robotics, family tech, senior tech, privacy and security.
Prior to joining USA TODAY, Baig was on the editorial staffs of Business Week, US News & World Report and Fortune. He has also most recently started contributing to AARP.
He has authored Macs For Dummies (Wiley), Palm Pre: The Missing Manual (OReilly Media) and co-authored iPhone For Dummies (Wiley) and iPad For Dummies (Wiley).