Suzanne Stevens, the editor of the Portland Business Journal, writes about publisher Craig Wessel, who is retiring later this year.
Stevens writes, “Craig values editorial independence. He values it as a publisher and as a consumer of news. He knows that without it, the content suffers.
“That’s not to say Craig and I don’t talk shop. He is a news guy through and through. He’s informed. He reads most every story our newsroom churns out and as much other news as he has time to ingest. He feeds us tips, shares ideas and makes source introductions whenever possible. And then he steps back, and let’s us do our jobs.
“He sends personal notes to reporters, editors, designers and our photographer praising our work. He pops champagne to mark our victories. We celebrate — a lot. There are happy hours, our annual trek to the Winter Ale Fest, our Hood to Coast team. Craig has never said no to an opportunity that would bring all of us at the PBJ closer.”
Read more here.