president steps down

Jim Lonergan, the president and chief operating officer of business news web site, will leave the company later this month amid shuffling of jobs among executives, according to a short story on the web site. The story stated, “Jim Lonergan, the company’s president and chief operating officer, has decided to step down to pursue […]

Deciphering Greenspan's relationship with the media’s Marek Fuchs reads former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan’s new book in an attempt to decipher his relationship with those in the business medit that covered him. Fuchs conclusion: Greenspan doesn’t understand why reporters did things like emphasize in its coverage the phrase “irrational exuberance” out of a speech in the late 1990s to […]

Don't automatically make comparisons media critic Marek Fuchs writes Friday that business journalists should avoid making automatic comparisons between companies in the same industry in stories because it leads too often to the sort of sloppy reporting that misleads investors. Fuchs noted the problems inherent in making such a comparison by comparing a lead in the Financial Times to […]

Celebrating 20 years in business journalism

Marketwatch editor David Callaway writes Thusday about the changes in business journalism in the past 20 years, harking back to the day when he was on the business desk of the Boston Herald and the stock market dropped 500 points back in October 1987. Callaway wrote, “Business journalism took off in the late 1980s, then […]

Is in play?

Ashkan Karbasfrooshan of the Seeking Alpha web site wonders if is an acquisition target, potentially by NBC. Karbasfrooshan wrote, “ has historically been too reliant on subscriptions, a revenue stream that in today’s advertising-obsessed environment might hurt its chances to fetch a hefty premium in an M&A. Of course, with Rupert Murdoch’s mammoth ambition […] pushes for more advertising

Kate Kaye of The ClickZ Network writes Monday that business news web site is looking to increase its advertising by making some changes to how it operates. She wrote, “It’s all in the hopes of garnering more online ad dollars, which some say is a more reliable revenue stream than subscriptions, especially when media […]

Cutting the price is good news, right?’s Marek Fuchs rips the business press to shreds for taking Apple’s word that cutting the price of the iPhone by $200 was actually a good thing. Fuchs wrote, “Check out how much of the business media simply played dutiful stenographer to Jobs. It’s a crying shame. “To CNBC, it was a “bold move,” while […]

Did Countrywide CEO lie on CNBC? media critic Marek Fuchs wants to know if Countrywide Financial CEO Angelo Mozilo lied during an interview on CNBC last week when he said the lender had stopped making loans to people who wouldn’t have qualified. Fuchs asks the question because he received a mortgage solicitation from Countrywide that included generous terms designed to […]

Differing coverage of the Acer-Gateway deal’s Marek Fuchs writes Wednesday that the coverage of Acer’s proposed acquisition of Gateway was all over the map, from references to former Chinese leaders to former CEOs of other computer makers. But The Wall Street Journal, wrote Fuchs, got it right. Fuchs wrote, “They don’t indulge themselves with some lead that traces back 60 […]

Biz media could be harder on Countrywide CEO’s Marek Fuchs writes Friday that the business media has been a little too soft on home lender Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo. Fuchs wrote, “But while Mozilo goes on his one-man campaign of self-interest, the business media need to do a better job of pointing out his long trail of inconsistencies. You, the savvy investor, […]