NYT launches small business blog

The New York Times has launched a blog about small business and entrepreneurship called “You’re the Boss.” Small business editor Loren Feldman writes, “One of the guiding thoughts behind this blog is that unlike doctors and lawyers and a lot of other professionals, business owners rarely get any training. Nor do they have a lot […]

Portfolio stories ending up elsewhere

Keith Kelly of the New York Post writes Friday about how stories slated to run in the now-closed Conde Nast Portfolio are appearing in other publications. Kelly writes, “An article about the sons of convicted Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff by David Margolick was originally set to run in Joanne Lipman‘s Portfolio, but when S.I. Newhouse […]

The most important financial journalist of the generation

Dean Starkman profiles New York Times business writer Gretchen Morgenson in the latest edition of The Nation in an article that calls her the most important financial journalist today. Starkman writes, “At 53, Morgenson is at the height of her career, read and feared in the corridors of power running from Wall Street to Washington. […]

Byline error in NYT biz section

Dan Frommer of The Business Insider writes Thursday about the byline error in today’s New York Times. Frommer writes, “Joe Nocera is the business columnist that Apple (AAPL) CEO Steve Jobs called a ‘slime bucket who gets most of his facts wrong.’ David Pogue is the Apple-loving technology reviewer who says the new iPhone ‘vaults […]

Assessing Forbes' future

David Carr writes for Monday’s New York Times about the struggles that Forbes magazine faces in the current economic recession. Carr writes, “In a conference room in their Manhattan headquarters, Tim and Steve Forbes conceded that the last year had been a difficult one for a magazine marketed as the ‘Capitalist Tool.’ But, sitting side […]

Verbs and the stock market

New York Times business editor Larry Ingrassia responded to a reader’s question about how the paper decided how to characterize moves in the stock market. Ingrassia writes, “But there is no easy definition when it comes to crash, either. When the Dow Jones Industrial Average, uh, went down 22.6 percent on Oct. 19, 1987 — […]

NYT to expand small biz coverage

New York Times business editor Larry Ingrassia, in response to a reader’s question online, discloses that the paper is getting ready to expand its coverage of small businesses, particularly on its Web site. Ingrassia writes, “Much of our new coverage will be on NYTimes.com. Next week we plan to launch a new blog devoted to […]

Ringing the alarm bells, but no response

New York Times business editor Larry Ingrassia responded online Wednesday to a reader’s suggestion that the business media didn’t do enough to warn consumers about the economic crisis by noting a number of stories in the newspaper that did just that in recent years. Ingrassia writes, “Indeed, I think you are wrong in saying that […]

Journalists: We did our job covering lead up to crisis

Helsingin Sanomat, the largest daily newspaper in Finland, has coverage Tuesday of the World Congress of the International Press Institute, where Financial Times assistant editor Gillian Tett and New York Times news managing editor Jill Abramson defended how their papers wrote stories leading up to the current economic crisis. Helsingin Sanomat writes, “Jill Abramson is […]

NYT biz section to start consumer blog

The New York Times will start a consumer blog focusing on issues such as consumer protection, business editor Larry Ingrassia said Monday. The comment came in response to a reader comment about why the paper’s business section didn’t have a consumer column. Ingrassia wrote, “Ron Lieber, my ‘Your Money’ columnist, is gnashing his teeth over your […]