NY Magazine promotes Swerdloff to post of deputy editor

Alexis Swerdloff is now deputy editor at New York Magazine. Previously, she held the post of Strategist editor at the publication. In her new role, Swerdloff will continue to oversee the Strategist and help direct Curbed, along with the magazine’s food coverage. Swerdloff has been with New York Magazine for the past 8 years, joining […]

NY Times names Weinman new columnist for crime fiction

Sarah Weinman will be the new crime columnist for The New York Times Book Review as editor and deputy editor of the Book Review Marilyn Stasio is retiring after 33 years. However, Stasio will continue to contribute reviews to The Times on crime, true crime and other related subjects. Apart from the Times, Weinman has […]

Kweku joins New York Times Opinion as politics editor

New York Times Opinion has hired Ezekiel Kweku as its new politics editor. His new role begins remotely on Sept. 21. Kweku joins the Times from New York Magazine where he held the post of senior editor. He also helped conceive and guide the relaunch of Intelligencer, the magazine’s politics vertical. Before that, he was […]

New York Magazine columnist and blogger Sullivan resigns

Longtime columnist and blogger at New York Magazine Andrew Sullivan is retiring, reports CNN Business. He tweets: “This will be my last week at New York Magazine. I’m sad because the editors I worked with there are among the finest in the country, and I am immensely grateful to them for vastly improving my work. […]

NY Mag makes new hire, promotes three others

New York Magazine has hired writer and radio host Hanna Rosin as editorial director for audio. The move comes as the magazine aims to expand its podcast output. In her new role, Rosin will oversee the magazine’s existing podcast portfolio, including Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway’s “Pivot” and a forthcoming launch, and exploring new series. […]

Vox Media acquires New York Magazine

Vox Media has agreed to acquire New York Magazine, the company behind the biweekly print magazine and five popular online offshoots, in an all-stock transaction. While consolidations in the media industry typically mean cutting costs, Vox and New York said their combination was something different. They are bringing together a much-decorated print magazine, websites, a […]