Defense attorney blames Wall Street Journal for Enron's demise

Mike Ramsey, who represents former Enron Corp. CEO Ken Lay in the current conspiracy and fraud trial by the government against Skilling and Lay over the energy company’s demise, made his opening statement in court today, and he blamed the company’s problems on Wall Street Journal reporters talking to shortsellers, according to Houston Chronicle columnist […]

Oregonian workplace reporter seeks advice on exec comp story

Brent Hunsberger, who covers workplace issues at the Oregonion, has been asked by his editors to put together the newspaper’s first examination of executive compensation of public companies in the state. (It’s a long overdue story, he adds.) But Brent wants some advice on how to do this from other business reporters. What papers do […]

Chicago Tribune workplace columnist is retiring

Carol Kleiman, who has been writing about workplace issues for the Chicago Tribune since 1967, is retiring. In her farewell column in today’s newspaper, she noted the evolution of her writing and the importance it had in the newspaper. Kleiman said, “As Working Woman, which started in 1967 in the features section (long before the […]

Donald Trump and the media

Well-known journalist Sydney Schanberg takes on the issue of real estate mogul Donald Trump and his recent libel lawsuit against New York Times’ reporter Timothy O’Brien for allegedly overstating his net worth in his book called Trump Nation. As Schanberg notes, Trump is suing O’Brien and his publisher, Warner Books, for $2.5 billion, saying that […]

LA Times reporter who wrote about union is leaving

According to L.A. Observed, Miriam Pawel applied for an employee buyout and it was accepted. The series on the United Farm Workers ran earlier this year and has been criticized by the union and by others in California, including in an opinion piece on the paper’s editorial page. The paper fears that her departure will […]

Is the Wall Street Journal cutting back overseas?

In a story in the American Journalism Review about the New York Times’ efforts to revamp and revitalize the International Herald Tribune, the reference is made that the IHT is going up against the Wall Street Journal and Financial Times for overseas readers. In that context, there is a discussion as to whether the Wall […]

Journalists who can move markets

There are three predominant market movers, according to this posting by the CEO of Ralston360, a blog from an advertising and design firm: “There are certain journalists that can move a market. “Jim Cramer of Mad Money can move a stock 30% overnight by making a strong recommendation as he did last Friday with his […]

Spokesman-Review changes stock listings

The changes that the West Coast paper are making include: — Providing more information on companies in our back yard, with enhanced listings for the Northwest 50; — Moving the quick-reference “markets at a glance” information at the top of the main business page instead of at the bottom; — Listing the ticker symbol of […]

Sun-Sentinel changes mutual fund listings

The Fort Lauderdale paper, however, gave no indication that it was cutting its stock listings. The mutual fund listings only appear on Sundays. Here is what the paper said: “The Sun-Sentinel Business section will change its mutual fund tables starting Sunday. We will list only the largest share class in each fund. Other share classes […]

The early business journalist gets the best seat at the Enron trial

According to Houston Chronicle columnist Loren Steffy, the media began lining up outside the courthouse where the Enron trial was scheduled to begin today on Sunday night at 6:30 p.m. Here is part of his posting on his Full Disclosure blog: “They started lining up at 6:30 — that’s p.m., as in Sunday night. My […]