Hartford Courant insurance reporter Levick leaves paper

Diane Levick, who has covered the insurance industry for The Hartford Courant for more than two decades, has left the paper. Her last day was July 28. Courant business editor Dan Haar wrote, “Diane started at The Courant in 1977. After breaking news of a New Britain corruption investigation, Diane moved to the world of finance, where […]

The Audit and Goldman Sachs

Yvette Kantrow of The Deal wants to know why Columbia Journalism Review‘s The Audit, which critiques the business press, took so long to recognize a critical article about Goldman Sachs in Rolling Stone. Kantrow writes, “The piece also seemed tailor-made for The Audit because, at least from this outsider’s point of view, the site and […]

How did WSJ reporters get quote from executive’s call?

Reid Pillifant of the New York Observer writes Wednesday about a Wall Street Journal story that quoted a CEO from a private teleconference with investors saying his company was bidding to acquire a bank. Pillifant writes, “The report cited ‘people familiar with the matter’ as identifying the unnamed bank as Corus Bankshares Inc., but Journal […]

The compliant business press

James Ledbetter, the editor of The Big Money, writes Tuesday about how one of the site’s reporter’s broke a big story on Wal-Mart Stores Inc., but that the major business media have yet to follow — for a reason. Ledbetter writes, “There may be a variety of reasons, but I suspect the main one is […]

Loeb Award winner Rothacker talks about covering banking

TALKING BIZ NEWS EXCLUSIVE Charlotte Observer banking reporter Rick Rothacker won a Gerald Loeb Award last week in the beat reporting category for his coverage of Wachovia, the Charlotte-based bank that was sold last year to Wells Fargo. Rotahcker, a Northwestern University graduate, joined the Observer in 1998 and became the banking reporter in 2001. He […]

Biz media needs to question Apple more about Jobs

TheStreet.com media critic Marek Fuchs questions why some media outlets like the Associated Press haven’t questioned Apple more about the health of CEO Steve Jobs and why he’s working at home after returning from a health leave.

A former corporate PR head spills the beans about coverage

Trudy Lieberman of Columbia Journalism Review has a revealing Q&A interview with Wendell Potter, a former head of corporate communications for CIGNA, the country’s fourth-largest insurer, and now a senior fellow on health care at the Center for Media and Democracy. Potter talks about dealing with business reporters covering the company. What makes this interview […]

The most important financial journalist of the generation

Dean Starkman profiles New York Times business writer Gretchen Morgenson in the latest edition of The Nation in an article that calls her the most important financial journalist today. Starkman writes, “At 53, Morgenson is at the height of her career, read and feared in the corridors of power running from Wall Street to Washington. […]

NYT to expand small biz coverage

New York Times business editor Larry Ingrassia, in response to a reader’s question online, discloses that the paper is getting ready to expand its coverage of small businesses, particularly on its Web site. Ingrassia writes, “Much of our new coverage will be on NYTimes.com. Next week we plan to launch a new blog devoted to […]

A surprise: Companies don't manipulate news timing

Stephen Oberbeck of the Salt Lake Tribune writes Sunday about academic research that concludes that most companies do not wait until the end of the day or the end of the week to release bad news. Oberbeck writes, “Yet a new study by researchers Matthew Magilke of the University of Utah and Jeffrey T. Doyle […]