Media News

WSJ’s Zambelich departs for Baltimore Banner

September 10, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Ariel Zambelich

Ariel Zambelich is leaving The Wall Street Journal to become visuals director at the Baltimore Banner.

Zambelich is a lead photo editor for The Journal, providing visual coverage for its D.C. and National bureaus. Prior to the Journal, she was the senior photo editor for The Intercept, the supervising editor of photography and art director for NPR Visuals, and a photo editor for Wired.

Ariel spent several years co-directing a documentary photography gallery in San Francisco and also co-edited Pictures on the Radio, a book featuring the work of the late photojournalist David P. Gilkey. She was also a freelance photojournalist covering communities in California and Washington, D.C.

She is a board member with the Authority Collective, and a general member of Diversify.Photo, organizations that focus on amplifying the voices of female-identifying and minority photographers and visual journalists. She was also a member of the 2019 Cohort of ONA’s Women’s Leadership Accelerator.

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