Media News

WSJ investigative reporter Mullins is leaving

April 18, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Brody Mullins

Brody Mullins, an investigative reporter in the Washington bureau of The Wall Street Journal where he covers business, lobbying and campaign finance, is leaving the paper when he finishes his last story.

“When that story runs, I will leave the WSJ,” said Mullins in an email. “I have a book coming out May 7 called ‘The Wolves of K Street.’  So I will spend my time promoting that book and doing media and book tours. At that point, I want to try to pitch a second book.”

He has also covered the political intelligence industry and how investors mine Washington for market-moving information.

Mullins was part of the team that won the 2023 Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting for revealing financial conflicts of interest among officials at fifty federal agencies who bought and sold stocks of companies they were tasked with regulating.

Mullins started his career in Washington at National Journal’s CongressDaily and later at Roll Call, where he covered Congress and lobbying. He joined Dow Jones in March 2005 as a reporter covering tax legislation on Capitol Hill.

He is a Northwestern University graduate.

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