Media News

Western named weekend news editor at WSJ

March 19, 2025

Posted by Chris Roush

Lora Western

Lora Western has been named weekend news editor at The Wall Street Journal.

Since 2019, she has been deputy publishing chief at the publication.

Western previously was the inaugural Washington news editor in New York. She joined Dow Jones as an editor at The Wall Street Journal Asia in Hong Kong, serving as deputy managing editor there before moving to New York, where she ran the foreign news desk. She managed the New York-based news desk that produced the overseas editions, then joined the U.S. desk when it was created in 2008.

In 2011 she jumped to digital full time, working on the hub team, before joining the markets desk as digital point person and then serving as the digital partner for corporate coverage.

Western began her career covering the electronics factories of Asia for a Hong Kong-based trade magazine. She is a graduate of Northwestern University.

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