Outgoing Washington Business Journal editor Vandana Sinha, who is becoming a regional editor for parent American City Business Journals, writes about her time at the publication.
Sinha writes, “Everything we do has transformed from my first day here to my last — everything. The only constant is why we do it, the same reason I got into journalism: to tell you vital information you didn’t know, with voices you need to hear and context to explain its importance.
“This is also unquestionably the most rewarding job in town. I have watched, and hopefully helped, the Washington Business Journal widen a community, propel a dialogue, advance the region. That’s required speaking honestly with you, sometimes relaying bad news, often broadcasting details you’d much rather stow away or spin around — take comfort, we’re doing it to your competitors too — because our responsibility extends beyond any single brand, to the region’s broader readership. That responsibility, and the role of legitimate media, has never been more urgent in an era when an internet connection or choreographed rally can spew such skewed definitions of facts and objectivity. I know we don’t always make you happy, but we do always serve that mission.”
Read more here.