Media News

Washington Post’s Long to become columnist focused on economy

August 22, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Heather Long

David Shipley of The Washington Post sent out the following on Thursday:

Let’s start with Heather Long. Heather, who has been a member of the editorial board since 2021, will become a 24/7 columnist starting in September. Her focus will be the U.S. economy – from the ground up. She’ll be writing about workers, businesses, corporate leaders and more. And there will be charts.

Heather joined The Post in 2017 as the lead U.S. economic correspondent. She led coverage of the Trump tax cuts and trade wars, the Federal Reserve, and the pandemic recession. She was among the first to identify the “K shaped” recovery and the Great Reassessment of work. Before coming to The Post, she worked for CNN and served (nobly!) as the opinion editor of her hometown paper, The Patriot-News in Harrisburg, Pa.

Heather is a graduate of Wellesley College and Oxford University, where she was a Rhodes Scholar. Heather has served on the boards of Wellesley College and Wilson College in Chambersburg, Pa. Astute (and charmed) Zoom watchers will know that she is the mother of Ori.

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