Media News

Times-Picayune/Advocate seeks an energy and development reporter

September 26, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

The Advocate and The Times-Picayune are seeking a reporter to take on a high-profile business beat that includes a vital segment of Louisiana’s economy: the state’s rapidly transforming energy and petrochemical industry.

For decades, oil & gas companies powered the state’s economy, shaped its politics and became embedded in its culture. Now, the industry is witnessing profound change as some firms look to capitalize on the transition to an emission-free future. There are great stories awaiting a scoop-hungry reporter who can chronicle these changes and the powerful people behind them.

Based in our Baton Rouge newsroom, this position demands a deft handling of the competing interests driving our most important economic sector. Another important requirement is the ability to balance these stories of statewide importance with growth & development reporting in the Capitol region that deeply resonates with our local audience across digital, social and print platforms. The region is dealing with demographic shifts and the development that comes with them. That means new ventures, residential development and growing pains.

As an independent, family-owned news organization, we’re constantly striving for compelling daily journalism along with thoughtful, fair-minded enterprise that serves our readers across our four markets in Baton Rouge, Acadiana, Shreveport and New Orleans. If you’re interested in joining us, please provide a resume and work samples when applying.

To apply, go here.

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