Media News

TheStreet enters top 10 of biz news sites

September 19, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush reported a 49 percent increase in unique visitors in August, jumping into the top 10 of business news sites, according to data from ComScore.

The financial news site had 18.6 million unique visitors, up from 12.5 million in July. It passed Fortune, which had an 11 percent increase in unique visitors in August, and Eastmoney Information, a Chinese financial information site.

No. 1 Yahoo Finance saw a 5 percent increase in unique visitors for the month, rising to 104.8 million. No. 2 Forbes was essentially flat in the month in terms of unique visitors, with 66.8 million.

Dow Jones & Co., the parent of The Wall Street Journal,, Barron’s and Investor’s Business Daily, reported a 16 percent decline in unique visitors to 49.3 million but remained third.

No. 6 Reuters saw a 19 percent decline to 27.5 million page views but remained No. 6.

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