Media News

Reuters parent reports better-than-expected earnings

February 8, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Thomson Reuters Corp. on Thursday reported higher-than-expected quarterly profit, and said it struck deals to license its content to help train large AI language models, reports Kenneth Li of Reuters.

Li reports, “Reuters News revenue rose 11% and adjusted earnings before tax, depreciation and amortization rose 56% from generative AI-related content licensing revenue, the company said.

“Hasker said deals to license the Reuters News archive with large language model AI companies reflects ‘the need for large language models to learn from accurate and unbiased information that’s been produced by the world’s best newsrooms and in accordance with the Trust Principles.’

“The Reuters Trust Principles is a set of obligations on Reuters and its employees to act at all times with integrity, independence and freedom from bias.

“The company did not specify the company it has licensed its content to nor the financial details of the deal.”

Read more here.

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