Media News

Qwoted 100 PR Superstar: Corrie A. Fisher of KNB Communications

A media relations manager with KNB Communications, Corrie A. Fisher is the latest Qwoted 100 PR Superstar.

Since gaining her master’s degree in health communication from Boston University in 2018,  Corrie A. Fisher has wasted little time establishing herself as a trusted strategist and PR expert. Starting at KNB Communications as an account supervisor, the Boca Raton-based Fisher is today a media relations manager whose background includes marketing, research and specialty healthcare work.

The latest recipient of Qwoted 100 PR Superstar honors, Fisher discusses a broad range of topics below, offering a refreshing take on how journalism, with the ongoing exodus from the profession, needs more “truth-tellers in the newsroom.” She also shares her golden rule for PR work, which means serving as a dual advocate for clients and journalists alike.

Qwoted: What do you see as the future of PR—technologically, strategically, or in any category you’re passionate about?

Corrie Fisher: As a seasoned healthcare PR specialist, I expect several current trends will gain momentum over the next few years and shape the industry. For one, we’re seeing many companies enter the health tech space: telemedicine, medical devices, health apps, R&D, and more. Yet amidst this expansion, there’s a heightened emphasis on patient health privacy and security. Stakeholders will become even more cautious, trust will be hard to earn and skepticism difficult to overcome, particularly with the increasing competition in the field.

To navigate these challenges, PR professionals who represent health-tech companies will need to dedicate additional efforts toward alleviating privacy and security concerns by offering more pitches with proof in the form of patient testimonials, case study data and expert sources, as well as communicating the advantages of their technologies in a unique way.

Qwoted: What do you do that you’re most proud of and that other PRs could learn from?

Fisher: I tap into my network quite a bit, particularly connecting with mentors, reporters and colleagues. Networking and relationship-building are important aspects of PR and I’ve found maintaining close contact with my network not only enriches my learning but also fosters professional and personal growth.

Qwoted: What’s your toughest challenge with reporters?

Fisher: Reporters have less time to read a pitch, which means they have specific preferences regarding length and timing when a pitch is received.  Adapting to schedules can challenging but one effective way to navigate this is by seeking insights from colleagues who’ve interacted with the reporter and asking them for pitch examples, time of day they’ve interacted with them, etc.

Qwoted: What learnings have made a tremendous difference in your career?

Fisher: Resiliency and not taking things personally. It can be easy to feel disappointed when an interview doesn’t result in coverage or when a compelling speaker application gets rejected. But over the years I’ve learned these things don’t happen in a vacuum. There are numerous factors, many beyond my control, that lead to the outcome. It’s important to accept these realities, gain insights and strive to improve. 


Qwoted: How do you break through the noise floor to get effective coverage?

Fisher: I encourage clients to take a stance on a pertinent industry matter and be a voice, not an echo. Additionally, I craft compelling news angles that would resonate with an outlet’s target audience.

Qwoted: How does PR in 2024 square with the future of journalism?

Fisher: The future of journalism seems concerning given the number of layoffs and depleting resources. With so many PR people plus artificial intelligence, it’s getting harder for reporters to find the truth and gather the appropriate sources for their stories. It’s essential for PR people to do some of the legwork for reporters, ensuring the news we ask them to cover is verified and truthful.

Qwoted: What advice would you give to those who seek an effective PR person?

Fisher: Request samples of their previous coverage to gauge the quality and breadth of their work, what reporters and outlets they have close ties with and the names of clients they’ve represented to assess if they align with target outlets and understand your industry. 

Qwoted: What is your golden rule of PR?

Fisher: Be an advocate for your client and journalist. Understanding a client’s goals and priorities must balance with a reporter’s needs, preferences, and time. You serve as a direct reflection of your clients, so it’s important to set the stage before your client has a chance to connect with reporters.

Qwoted: If there’s one thing you could change or improve about journalism or PR—in any area—what might that be and why?

Fisher: Amid the past year’s layoffs, many journalists have left the field as a result of compensation concerns and greater opportunity on the PR side of the industry. While the number of former journalists working in PR benefits the communications industry, this trend does raise concern regarding the diminishing number of truth-tellers in a newsroom. In an ideal world, I’d love to see a return to journalism as a revered profession where good reporters are trusted, respected and fairly compensated.

Corrie A. Fisher is a Media Relations Manager with KNB Communications. Email or connect on LinkedIn. 

Lou Carlozo is Qwoted’s editor-in-chief and the editor-publisher emeritus of Talking Biz News. His memoir “The Lost Coin” is slated for publication this year. Email or connect on LinkedIn.

Lou Carlozzo

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