Media News

Pensions & Investments editor Ablan departs for new opportunity

September 4, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Jennifer Ablan

Long-time business journalist Jennifer Ablan left Pensions & Investments for a new opportunity.

Ablan was previously editor-in-chief and chief content officer at Pensions & Investments from May 2022. Her biggest hires at P&I — a specialized trade publication focused on pension funds, foundations and endowments — included Anthony DeRosa, Erin Arvedlund, Michael Thrasher and Gennady Kolker.
The group introduced Twitter Spaces, LinkedIn Live and other innovative projects to the P&I brand as well as a relaunch of face-to-face profiles.
Ablan has spent two decades as a business journalist, including over a decade at Reuters, where she was U.S. investments editor and co-host of the Reuters Global Investment Summits.
At Reuters, Ablan consistently broke news on billionaire investors Bill Gross, Jeffrey Gundlach, Carl Icahn and Greg Jensen as well as high-profile asset investment managers including PIMCO, DoubleLine, and MetWest.
Before P&I, Ablan was U.S. assistant managing editor at the Financial Times under Peter Spiegel and spent several years at Barron’s magazine as its “Current Yield” columnist and general assignment reporter.

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