Media News

NY Times, Reuters, Bloomberg, Businessweek among Deadline Club Award winners

May 17, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

The New York Times, Reuters, Bloomberg and Bloomberg Businessweek received Deadline Club awards for business news coverage.

The winners that were selected from more than 550 entries to the Deadline Club’s 2024 Awards Contest. Winners were announced at the Deadline Club’s annual Awards Dinner on Thursday, May 16 at the Harvard Club.

Newspaper or Digital Beat Reporting

Reuters “The Musk Industrial Complex” Reuters Staff

Most investigative series focus on a single company or industry. But in this case, Reuters reporters became experts in a broad range of industries – rockets, electric cars, medical devices, electronic surveillance and insurance – to reveal problems that persist across major companies owned by Elon Musk, including understaffing, gouging customers financially, and a drive for fast growth that consistently places workers’ and customers’ lives at risk. A bold and successful effort.

Business Feature

Bloomberg Businessweek “The Hunt for Deep-Sea Treasure” Kit Chellel, Olivia Solon, Jonathan Browning

A brilliantly written deep dive into the world of underwater wreck hunting. The reporting team brought together insights on international maritime laws, sea mapping technology and the extraordinary role of a shadowy hedge fund manager. With extensive research, the story delivered a definitive look at the future of oceanic mapping, one of the last unexplored realms on Earth. 

Business Investigative Reporting (This work also won the The Daniel Pearl Award for Investigative Reporting)

The New York Times “Alone and Exploited” Hannah Dreier

Such an impressive selection within the category; great journalism is alive and well. The New York Times Alone and Exploited stood out for its well sourced, deeply reported work showing the human face of child labor and migrant struggles in the face of big business and government bureaucracy. The narrative techniques keep the reader interested and invested to the end.

Science, Technology, Medical or Environmental Reporting

Bloomberg News Bad Medicine” Bloomberg Staff

You’ll never look at generic drugs the same way after reading Bloomberg’s investigation showing how contaminated medicines cheaply made in India were sold worldwide due to failures in global pharmaceutical and government regulation – including by the FDA. The deeply reported series involved 250 interviewed sources, detailed documents and independent sample testing to expose how chemotherapy drugs in Colombia, Ethiopia and India, poisoned cough syrup in Gambia, and infected eye drops in the United States blinded, maimed, injured, and killed hundreds of people around the world, especially in developing countries. As a result, Congress is examining FDA conduct and CVS and Walgreens pulled medicines from their shelves.

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