Media News

NOTUS hires Blooomberg exec as CEO

March 25, 2025

Posted by Chris Roush

Arielle Elliott

Nonprofit news service NOTUS has hired Arielle Elliott to be its chief executive officer.

As the publication’s first CEO, Elliott will develop and implement business and revenue strategies to support that work.

Elliott most recently led the global corporate sales and service teams for Bloomberg Government, Bloomberg Law and Bloomberg Tax. Previously, she worked on the launch of Bloomberg Government and served as its president for six years, overseeing the launch of new products including an expansion into state government affairs. Earlier in her career, she served in senior advertising roles at National Journal Group.

“It is exciting to have the opportunity to work with such a talented team and implement strategies that help NOTUS grow and thrive in the Washington media space,” Elliott said. “AJI’s mission of supporting quality journalism is near and dear to my heart.”

Elliott will work closely with Tim Grieve, the executive director of AJI and the editor in chief of NOTUS. Grieve said he is “looking forward to having a real partner in continuing to prove that nonpartisan reporting is not just possible journalistically but also sustainable financially.”

Since its launch in January 2024, NOTUS has made a name for itself with nonpartisan journalism that’s read and relied on every day at the White House, on Capitol Hill, across Washington and beyond.

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