Media News

Mysak, municipal bond legend, retiring in June

May 14, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Joe Mysak
Joe Mysak

Joe Mysak, who has been covering municipal bonds for 43 years, is retiring at the end of next month from Bloomberg News.

Mysak joined The Bond Buyer in 1981 as a copy editor and learned about municipal bonds from the ground up, eventually rising to editor and publisher of the newspaper.

In 1994, he founded a series of municipal market-related biweekly newsletters, including Grant’s Municipal Bond Observer, for the Interest Rate Publishing Corporation.

In 1999, Mysak joined Bloomberg News as a columnist. He is the author of the book “Handbook for Muni-Bond Issuers” and the “Encyclopedia of Municipal Bonds.”

He also edited the daily Bloomberg Brief called “Municipal Market.”


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