Media News

Is the Financial Times headed for a sale?

July 29, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Dylan Byers of Puck muses that the Financial Times might be headed for a sale.

Byers writes, “Several Nikkei board members have grown impatient with the Financial Times’ economic performance and a pushing for consideration of a sale, according to three sources with knowledge of the matter. The Japanese holding firm bought the FT nearly a decade ago for 844 million pounds, or $1.32 billion, but it has “never really met expectations,” one source with knowledge of the business said. (FT spokespeople declined to comment.)

“Obviously, there would be no shortage of interested buyers on both sides of the Atlantic: Jeff Bezos? Mike Bloomberg? Mathias Dopfner? (Axel Springer once lusted after the FT. Losing out on the property may have helped turn its deal team toward acquiring Henry Blodget’s Business Insider.”

Read more here.

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