Media News

ImpactAlpha hires Browning as senior editor

June 5, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Lynnley Browning

ImpactAlpha, which covers impact investing, has hired Lynnley Browning as a senior editor.

She will write about family offices and edit stories and its newsletter.

Most recently, Browning was at The Messenger its wealth and power team before the publication closed earlier this year. She had been the Financial Planning wealth editor covering taxes, asset management and investment strategies for the publication.

A longtime and award-winning business journalist, Browning has reported for Rate.comBloombergReuters, Newsweek, The New York Times, and The Boston Globe.

She started her career as a foreign correspondent in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Browning holds a BA in Slavic languages and literatures from Princeton University and an MA in comparative literature from The University of Texas at Austin.

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