Media News

How Fortune’s Brady turned into a CEO whisperer

June 5, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Diane Brady
Diane Brady

Russell Sherman of the “Press Profiles” podcast interviewed Diane Brady, who started earlier this year as executive director of Fortune Live Media and editorial director of Fortune CEO Initiative.

Brady said she got her inquisitiveness and skepticism from her father. She started at The Wall Street Journal in 1994 covering aviation and travel in Asia from Hong Kong. “I loved being able to explore the region,” said Brady.

She joined BusinessWeek in 1999 and ran its Connecticut bureau, where she wrote about Martha Stewart and GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, among other topics.

“I’ve never stopped being a journalist in any capacity that I’ve been in,” said Brady, though she says she has become more conscious of the impact her stories have on the people she’s covering. “There’s a ripple impact when you write these stories,” she said.

Brady thinks of the events that she oversees as “live journalism” by “talking to people who are in the know.”

She was attracted to the job at Fortune because it allowed her to dig deep into leadership coverage. “To be able to see the world through these different leaders and talk[ about different issues … that’s just exciting to me,” said Brady.

To listen, go here.

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