Media News

FT hires Lakshmi as Jakarta correspondent

February 28, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Anantha Lakshmi

The Financial Times has hired Anantha Lakshmi as its Jakarta correspondent.

She previously was Reuters bureau chief of Malaysia and Brunei after moving to Kuala Lumpur as deputy bureau chief in 2016.

Lakshmi distinguished herself in reporting on everything from the assassination of Kim Jong Nam to investigations of migrant deaths in detention and the palm oil industry to the surprise fall of Najib Razak’s government and the return of Mahathir Muhammad in 2018 elections – and then Mahathir’s own fall.

She joined Reuters in Bangalore, where she covered U.S. companies in the industrial, aerospace and auto sectors and previously anchored coverage of gold and other precious metals in Asia.

Lakshmi holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Madras.

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