Media News

Cincy Biz Courier starts “Above the Fold” podcast

October 12, 2022

Posted by Chris Roush

The Cincinnati Business Courier is starting a weekly podcast named “Above the Fold.”

Senior staff reporter Andy Brownfield writes, “‘Above the Fold’ comes from a bit of old newspaper lingo. Old broadsheet newspapers, the kind that you unfold and then unfurl to find the splashiest headlines at the top of the paper so they were on full display to passersby.

“It served a dual purpose: for one, it shouted the biggest news of the day at a glance, and let people know what was going on in the world. But it was also a sales tactic, a 20th century version of clickbait. You had to buy the paper to get the full story.

“That’s what we hope to deliver with this podcast, ‘Above the Fold.’ Not the clickbait part, but the biggest stories of the week, told in a way that informs and hopefully entertains.

“Here’s what you can expect from ‘Above the Fold’: the first half is me and Courier Editor Rob Daumeyer talking about the biggest stories of the past week, the five things you need to know, if you will; and then in the second segment we have a conversation with one of the personalities behind the news.”

Read more here.

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