Media News

Bond Buyer reporter Barnett is retiring

May 15, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Chip Barnett

Chip Barnett, a senior reporter at The Bond Buyer, is retiring.

He has been with the publication for the past decade, primarily covering New York and Florida.

Barnett has almost 50 years of professional experience. He started his career at the Gannett Newspapers in Westchester County, N.Y., working his way up from back-shop compositor to senior news editor.

Barnett later worked for Thomson Reuters in Manhattan, covering state and local government finance as a reporter and later executive editor for and as editor in charge of municipal finance for Reuters News.

Later, he was the editor of Municipal Finance Today at SourceMedia. Barnett has also worked for DebtWire/Municipals and has written about commercial real estate in South Florida and the Midwest for both The Real Deal and Globe Street.

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