Media News

Blue Ridge Public Radio hires Myers to cover climate change and energy

July 17, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Katie Myers

Blue Ridge Public Radio has hired Katie Myers to cover climate change, energy, and more in Western North Carolina and the Blue Ridge mountain region.

Myers is based in Tennessee and was a climate solutions reporting fellow at Grist from 2023 to 2024, where she focused largely on people, culture, and economies in transitioning fossil fuel communities.

She has written extensively on the Appalachian region, with bylines in Belt Magazine, Scalawag, Strikewave, Inside Appalachia, and 100 Days in Appalachia. She also previously worked for West Virginia Public Broadcasting; WMMT 88.7 FM, an eastern Kentucky community radio station; and Ohio Valley ReSource.

She has received fellowships from the Heinrich Boell Foundation, the Society for Environmental Journalists, the Solutions Journalism Network, and America Amplified.

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