Media News

“A Media Operator” turns five, looks to expand

August 15, 2024

Posted by Chris Roush

Jacob Donnelly

Jacob Donnelly of A Media Operator writes about how his newsletter covering the business of media is turning five years old.

Donnelly writes, “A Media Operator is going to hire its first reporter. I want someone to report on the industry—good and bad—so I can focus on analysis. I won’t stop writing, but AMO needs great industry coverage to become a stronger brand. There are many stories I can’t tell as the founder and operator because I’m pulled in numerous directions. I sometimes regret not having a co-founder, but that goes back to me not realizing this could be a business.

“I will finish the job spec by the end of the month and start recruiting from there. This will be a full-time, salaried role. I need to figure out how to make that work since I’ve never hired someone full-time. Feel free to email me to discuss this role.

“The subscription price will change by the end of the year. Starting in 2025, the price will increase to $395 a year, up from $200. Quarterly will increase to $150. I’ll keep everyone updated so no one is surprised, but I hope you’ll stay.”

Read more here.

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