Media News

How LinkedIn is the place to be for business news readers

October 6, 2023

Posted by Chris Roush

Jim Edwards writes for Press Gazette about LinkedIn’s strategy under editor in chief Daniel Roth and how it’s become the go-to social media site for business news.

Edwards writes, “To make Linkedin’s new coolness tangible: Users posted 41% more content on the site this year than last and posts now reach about 550 million people each day, the company says. That’s the growth you’d see at a trendy startup, not an ageing, Microsoft-owned giant. Roth says that business news publishers often tell him that Linkedin is now their single-biggest source of social media traffic (although he declines to put numbers on that).

“Among the reasons for Linkedin’s growth: Google has dialled down the prominence of news sites in its rankings. Facebook has walked away from the news business almost entirely. X, formerly known as Twitter, has become a toxic, unhappy place under new owner Elon Musk.

“That leaves Linkedin — the home of the kids who sat at the front of the class and did their homework on time — with a suddenly prominent position in the news ecosystem.”

Read more here.

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