Media Moves

Zhuang, Yoon join the NY Times Seoul hub

November 14, 2023

Posted by Mariam Ahmed

Yan Zhuang and John Yoon, reporter-researchers on The New York Times International desk, have joined the breaking news hub in Seoul.

Yan Zhuang
Yan Zhuang

Zhuang started her journalism career in Australia at The Age. She joined the Times during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, she has covered extreme weather conditions, the #MeToo movement and Australian animal stories.


John Yoon
John Yoon

Yoon joined the Times in August 2020 as a news assistant. Before that, he held the posts of assistant news editor and senior writer at the Cornell Daily Sun, Cornell University’s independent newspaper.

Yoon graduated from Cornell University in New York.

You can congratulate Zhuang and Yoon on X/Twitter.

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