Media Moves

Western Colorado paper hires Tomanek as reporter

September 6, 2023

Posted by Mariam Ahmed

Katherine Tomanek

Reporter Katherine Tomanek has joined the Western Colorado paper the Post Independent to cover stories in Roaring Fork Valley. She is a recent graduate of Colorado Mesa University.

Below is an excerpt from her Q&A:

What do you hope to learn and experience in your first year at the Post Independent?

I hope my first year as a reporter is filled with talking to new people and finding out just how the city works. I’m also hoping to experience Colorado in a new way from what I have before, and I can’t wait for it!

What is it about journalism that made you choose it for a career?

I wasn’t looking to be a reporter originally, but it’s a great way to combine my degrees. I wrote a few articles at CMU [Carnegi Mellon University] in the Horizon Magazine and I loved doing that. Some of the articles I had there were pretty heavy, and even though they were, I’m glad I did them. A couple of people came up to me after they were published and said they were glad I wrote them, and it helped me realize how important this job is.

Read more here.

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