Andrew Galarneau, food editor at The Buffalo News has launched “Four Bites,” an online platform about food.
Galarneau said:
“I find myself, every time I turn around, finding another thing that I want to tell people about. I love to celebrate the everyday as well as the things you’ve never heard of before, and everything in between.”
Talking about the name “Four Bites,” he said:
“One bite is enough to know if I want a second. Two bites for decision-making. Three bites means it’s thrillingly delicious. Four bites means I’ve abandoned professionalism entirely, and sold out to the dish. Me and this plate want to get a room where we can be alone.”
Four Bites will publish four articles per week about local dining, including a review. A weekly column will also be available.
Paid subscribers will have additional perks, including access to Galarneu’s other reviews, opinions and other work, and tapings of a new, food-focused digital talk show.
They will also have direct access to communicate with Galarneau.