Some of Wednesday’s top business news stories:
Associated Press
Landlords are getting squeezed between tenants and lenders, by Anne D’Innocenzio
JPMorgan, Citi profits improve amid signs of recovery, by Ken Sweet
IMF cuts its global economic forecasts for 2021 and warns of ‘long, uneven’ recovery, by Julia Horowitz
Thousands of workers petition Amazon for paid time off to vote, by Sara O’Brien
The Wall Street Journal
Theater Chain AMC Says It Could Run Out of Cash by Year-End, by Matt Grossman, Alexander Gladstone
Boeing Subsidies Merit EU Tariffs on $4 Billion in U.S. Goods, WTO Rules, by Josh Zumbrun, Daniel Michaels
Delta posts another massive loss, warns recovery could take 2 years or more, by Leslie Josephs
On deal-crazy Amazon Prime Day, online retailers decide if it’s time to buckle to the bargain, by Lauren Thomas
Nissan’s U.S. lending arm to pay $4 million fine over improper repossessions, by David Shepardson
U.S. activists seek data to test corporate diversity pledges, by Ross Kerber, Simon Jessop
News about business journalism
Real estate site Curbed relaunches as part of New York magazine
Alonso joins Maryland Daily Record as a business reporter
NBC News hires three on biz/tech team
Law360 hires Moreno to cover legal industry
Josh Witt, a reporter at the Wichita Business Journal, is leaving the American City Business…
Business Insider has named Jack Sommers its interim UK bureau chief. He has been a deputy editor…
WFMZ-TV is seeking a dynamic Business Reporter with a passion for reporting and an ability…
CNBC is throwing its weight behind its nascent CNBC Sport brand, bringing its sports business coverage to…
Ken Bensinger of The New York Times writes about how right-leaning media organizations have not emphasized…
Reuters tech reporter Raphael Satter has sued the Indian government after his Indian overseas citizenship was cancelled,…