The Fort Worth Star-Telegram has appointed executive editor Steve Coffman as the company’s new president. Coffman will retain his position as editor along with taking on the responsibilities that come with the new role.
In his new role, Coffman will replace publisher Ryan Mote who has held this post since 2018.
Mike Fannin, Central Region editor for McClatchy, the publication’s parent company said:
“I’m delighted for Steve Coffman, who brings to his new role a long and impressive résumé as a leader and a champion for local journalism. Steve has skillfully reshaped the Star-Telegram newsroom, making it a stronger watchdog for the readers of Fort Worth and igniting award-winning journalism that holds the powerful to account. Steve has also established himself as a leader in the community, and this promotion will allow him to expand his influence.”
Under Coffman, the news organization has received several honors, including 11 Texas Associated Press Managing Editors awards.
In addition, under his leadership, digital subscriptions have increased 24 percent.
“I am honored and humbled to be entrusted with this new responsibility and to work with such a fine team across all departments at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram,” Coffman added.
Prior to joining Star-Telegram, Coffman was executive editor at The Wichita Eagle. Before that, he was managing editor/executive editor at The Jackson Sun, Gannett. He also served as regional/metro editor at The Fayetteville Observer.
Coffman holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Lock Haven University.