Tracey Rauh has been named the top editor at North of Boston Media Group, making her the first woman to lead the organization.
In this capacity she will oversee the editorial departments for all North of Boston Media Group publications.
Rauh, most recently the editor of The Eagle-Tribune, will remain in that role. Additionally she will become group editor, working closely with the editors of its sister daily papers, The Daily News of Newburyport, the Salem News, and the Gloucester Daily Times; sister weeklies the Andover Townsman, Carriage Towne News, Derry News and Haverhill Gazette; and the company’s dozen hyper-local, glossy magazines.
Before being named editor of The Eagle-Tribune, Rauh was the newspaper’s managing editor for seven years.
Rauh joined the paper in 2004 as business editor, later serving as managing editor of features, a position in which she launched the company’s first magazines. She held prior editor jobs at three New Hampshire publications.