Media Moves

Ransomware attrack shuts down biggest fuel pipeline in U.S.

May 10, 2021

Posted by Irina Slav

A ransomware attack has caused the shutdown of Colonial Pipeline Co.’s entire network as the company works with cybersecurity experts to restore normal operation.

Reuters’ Devika Krisha Kumar and Laila Kearney reported:

The southeastern United States will be the first to see price rises at the pumps due to the supply disruption caused by the shutdown of the country’s top fuel pipeline network – and demand has already picked up as drivers fill their tanks, industry experts said on Sunday.

The BBC noted:

The US government issued emergency legislation on Sunday after the largest fuel pipeline in the US was hit by a ransomware cyber-attack.

The Colonial Pipeline carries 2.5 million barrels a day – 45% of the East Coast’s supply of diesel, gasoline and jet fuel.

It was completely knocked offline by a cyber-criminal gang on Friday and is still working to restore service.

The Associated Press’ Alan Suderman and Eric Tucker wrote:

The attack is unlikely to affect gasoline supply and prices unless it leads to a prolonged shutdown of the pipeline, experts said.

Colonial Pipeline did not say what was demanded or who made the demand. Ransomware attacks are typically carried out by criminal hackers who scramble data, paralyzing victim networks, and demand a large payment to decrypt it.


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